Thursday, July 9, 2015

Amazon accused of 'Big Brother' tactics over customer reviews

"Author Jas Ward has launched petition after it emerged that the retail giant is monitoring social networks to screen would-be reviewers."


What the hell Amazon? I opened up my news feed and this is what pops out at me. Not impressed with you right now. It’s bad enough that I have to make sure I don't use obscene words in my reviews, (I had one review I had to revise three times just to find out what bad word I used. To this day I still don’t know, because I didn’t use any!). But now you’re  telling me who and what I can't review because I might be "friends" with the author/seller, through social media?

Of all damn things to look at. Social Media is a big part of advertising, and connecting with fans. Taylor Swift has master this. In saying that, all the fans she has connect with can no longer review her works because they're now, according to Amazon, are “friends?”. The hell, really?
I don't know about you, but for me, and who I call a friend, is none of Amazon's business. Not only that, but how the hell can Amazon tell if you're truly "friends" and not simply acquaintances, or business associates? I mean, if I tag an author on Twitter or Facebook, that links back to my review, does that make us "friends."? No, that’s like saying, oh I saw George Clooney in the airport, we didn’t talk face to face, but I twitted about it, we’re like totally best friend now.

I’m not a biases person, unless it’s about family (because they’re awesome), and no-one in my family is a published author; nor do they sell things online. (I could be wrong about the selling part, because my family is huge.)  
Every fan wants to connect, show support and follow what the author is doing. Fans what to be the first to know when a new book is being release, a cover reveal, or grabbing an interview for their blog. Now, that brings up the question, if you interview an author, are you now considered their "friend" in Amazon's eyes? Or, when you receive a book for free, for your honest review, from the author, will amazon forbid you from posting a review because you had directed contact? I want to scream right now.

A petition has started.
"The policy has prompted allegations of “Big Brother” activity and sparked a petition calling on Amazon toreverse the decision, organised by US romance author Jas Ward, which is heading towards 11,000 signatures as of Thursday morning. Ward has penned an open letter to Amazon on the petition site, writing:"
Amazon, you disappoint me.
What do you think about this? Read the Full article and tell me what you think in the comments below, or tell us if you have been snagged by amazon for this obscene policy.


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