Rose Petal Graves

Rose Petal Graves (The Lost Clan, #1)Rose Petal Graves 
by Olivia Wildenstein
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

( I received this book free in exchange for my honest review )

This book was richly written, I loved the writing style and tone.


I'm confuse with the way the book flowed. It jumped from one plot line to the next, characters were a little hollow and Cat, well, she needs to go back to school and learn the meaning of not getting into cars with strange boys. She was all over the place, she never questions anyone's story. She's suppose to be a medical student, common, where the hell did that big brain go?

I don't think I've ever been so confuse about a book before. There was a constance pace, but nothing really happened. Nothing too exciting, noting too boring, and frankly, Cat was a gullible mess. The girl doesn't know the the meaning of holding a grudge or know that nothing is truly good and evil.

She was too quick to change sides, too quick not to dig deep into what was really going on. Outside of a book that as sent to her, she did no research, she just went with the flow and that got people killed. I don't want to say it, but she was a tease and a trollop.

(view spoiler)

I would also like to point out that, at one point towards the end the author tossed in an important character out of the blue. Said person was a close family friend, and I didn't even know what the hell was going on, all of a sudden Holly was the answer to everything. I literally said, who the fuck is Holly. So yeah, don't be tossing in shit like that, to me it's a scapegoat and a way to progress the story without making to to complicated.

The ending of this book wasn't a ending, it just ended, I don't even know if there's going to be a second book, I hope because I was left with so many questions. Nothing was resolved in this book, just Cat being saved over and over again. Talk about a let down as a main. Again I will like to bring up she was a medical student, at no point did she act like one. It was like she learned nothing in her year and a half in university. I was so done with her, that I was hoping Ace would set her on fire.

Speaking of, the surprise star of this book was Ace, didn't think I would like him as much as I did, because in truth he was the only one with a head on his shoulders. That, and he was the only one to have some substance as a character. He didn't beat around the bush, and told it to Cat how it was. This book should have been told form his POV. Now that would have been a epic read.

This book needs more direction.

But in all, I did enjoy the original idea, the background on Cat's history and her mom. Even though she's dead, I still got to know her mom through Cat's memory. It's a shame though, I truly believe that Cat's mom would have been a rock star in this book if she hadn't bit it.

So as you can see I'm mixed about this book. All I can say is, give it a change. You might like/love it.

Happy Reading

E.A. Walsh

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