Mrs. Claus: Not the Fairy Tale They Say

Mrs. Claus: Not the Fairy Tale They SayMrs. Claus: Not the Fairy Tale They Say
by Rhonda Parrish
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mrs. Claus: Not the Fairy Tale They Say is an Anthology full of very different stories about the mostly overlooked Mrs Claus. I must say I was impressed with this collection and now I rally what some full length stories about a bad-ass Mrs Claus.

I devoured this book like a Christmas turkey. What a perfect read for the holidays, and more so when you are looking for something different then the cheesy hallmark movies that take over TV. Now I will say that I wasn't a fan of all the stories, as with all anthologies you will never like then all, people tasted are just too different, but at the same time you will always find something you love. For me it was that first story. Holy Christmas, I really need that to be a whole series. I loved everything about it, and more. I'm not going to tell you too much, actually I'm not going to tell you anything, because I want you to experience it first hand. My gift to you.

Now the overall collection was very well put together, and the writing in each story was well crafted. There is no consistency to the lengths, some are short, some are longer, but they all manage to captured you in draw you in. I didn't fine any spelling errors or grammar mishaps. This collection was well edited and professionally put together. This is well worth your time and money.

I highly recommend this unique, edgy, and special anthology. It will put Mrs Claus into a new light, it brings her out of Santa's shadow and makes you truly wonder why she hasn't been more well represented over the years. Men are normally pretty lost without a woman/partner, so why would Santa be any different?

Happy Reading

-E.A. Walsh

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