Kiss of the Royal

Kiss of the RoyalKiss of the Royal 
by Lindsey Duga
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an epic, action-packed thrill ride that had me hooked from start to finish.

What a super fun, engaging, beautifully written read. With rich detail and lush world-building, I was captured. I love reads like this, so much back and forth between our MCs. Watching them slowly fall, but most of all watching them grow and change together.

I have to say that this book has been one of the most enjoyable reads I've had this year. Everything engaged me, and I didn't want to leave. Right now I'm not sure if there will be another book, the ending was pretty closed, but I do feel there are some things that could be explored and there are some things left unexplained. But that ending, holy hell.. man I love it when books shock and surprise me. Just when you think you've seen it all. Love it!!!

Overall this book is s super high recommendation from me. This book is more than unique and original, it's fresh, it has taken old cliché and turned them on their heads. This is not your normal cookie cutter YA. This is a must-read!

Happy Reading

-E.A. Walsh

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