Thursday, June 30, 2016

Review Update! Cat's Howl by C.D. Gorri

Cat's Howl (Macconwood Pack #2) My rating: ★★★★★
Published: 30th June 2016
Pages: 168
Series: Macconwood Pack
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(I received this ARC free from the Author in exchange for my honest review)

I'm in love with Cat. Oh why are you fictional? We could be great friends.

In all seriousness, Cat's Howl was fantastic. I've always been a fan of the Macconwood Pack, right from when they were first introduced in Wolf Moon. They're what I've always pictured a modern werewolf pack would be like. There's just something about them that just, I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I do know, I want more.

Blog Tour Stop: Bound by Donnielle Tyner - Excerpt - Teasers - Promo


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blog Tour Stop: Black Five by J. Lynn Bailey - Promo - Giveaway!

Here are the books and movies people tried to get removed from Toronto’s public libraries last year

Every year, Toronto Public Library releases a report on the books and movies users lodged official complaints against during the previous year. Some of the complaints are legit. In 2012, for instance, a user’s objection led the library to get rid of a poorly made educational video about date rape prevention. Other complaints are harder to take seriously: in 2013, someone (maybe jokingly) asked the library to ban the Dr. Seuss book Hop on Pop, because it “encourages children to use violence against their fathers.”

This time around, as usual, the complaints are a mix of reasonable concerns and baseless attempts to censor widely praised works of art. Here are the six books and movies people complained about in 2015: