Wolf Moon

Wolf Moon: A Grazi Kelly NovelWolf Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel
By: C.D. Gorri
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

( I received this book free from the Author in exchange for my honest review )

3.5 Stars

I quite enjoyed this novel. But I did find, for me, that the beginning was slow, and slightly dull. That and, I didn't actually start enjoying the book till about, 75% in. What kept me reading were the little hints of something more and the griping foreshadowing.

The story did lack description, making some of the scenes fell short. For example, there is a diner scene, Grazi and her friend are talking about a game, (called Wolf Moon). This game was portrayed as something important to the story line. But It ended fast (the food didn't even show up) and then we're suddenly back in Grazi's room, with no transition between the two. I was left confused about the whole scenario, because it actually leads you astray from the main plot, it has no purpose. Edit: I have read the second book, and the game has more of a background and purpose. That scene was kind of an intro, or set up, for the next book. But I stand by what I said, the transition could have been done better.

At times the story did feel, to me, hollow and under developed. The writing at times, made me feel like I was reading a very rough draft of a student’s assignment.


As I said, the story does start to pick up, and it gets really good, especially the writing.

Everything starts to get interesting when Ronan shows up. I didn't feel any emotions until he entered the picture. It was like Grazi was a robot; dull, grey, and just lifeless. Ronan brought colour and light, making Grazi became human, making her heart became human. Because common, she was pretty stony for the first half of the book. (Just saying..)

I'm ecstatic I got a chance to read this book; I never would have read it my own. And though there are some structural problems and dullness, it almost works. As Grazi becomes more aware of herself and her wolf, the writing gets better and her feelings, emotions, are painted with colour and brightness.

I'm hooked on this story. I have to know what happens; I have to know how it ends for Grazi and her family.

I will, without a doubt be reading the second book.

I highly recommend this read; you will be presently surprised on how it latches onto your heart/mind and makes you constantly think about what's going to happen next.

Thank you to the Author for letting me read this diamond in the rough.

"Remember, every word, every sentence, has a hidden meaning when it comes to a book." - By Unknown

Happy Reading


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