We Know It Was you

We Know It Was You (Strange Truth, #1)
By: Maggie Thrash
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

I have to say this was a different read for me. As I was engaged in my favourite past time, chilling at the book store. I came across this little wonder. The cover caught my eye, the teaser on the back peeked my interested; so I went a ahead and read the first chapter. Before I know it, I lost track of time and when I came back to earth, I was like, I have to buy this book. Twos days later, I was done.

In all I have to say, I'm impressed. Normally YA thrillers/mysteries aren't my thing. They're just too childish for me. As someone who loves true crime and pretty much leaves Investigation Discovery on all day, I have a high stander for crime/mysteries/thrillers.

This book did a outstanding job at keeping the realism as well as that Nancy drew busybodyness that we all know and love. The cops are actually involved, they even come to "ask questions" about some evidence that went messing from the crime scene. In most YA's, they make the cops out to be dumbasses that can't tie their own shoes. That one aspect, is what makes me cringe at YA crime. We Know it Was You, doesn't do that, in saying that, the male lead, Benny, has other thoughts on the fuzz, but that's simply his personal opinion.

Speaking of Benny, he was quite the character. He wasn't all brewing and such because he wasn't popular. He had this maturity about him that was almost childlike. This I believe comes from his current family situation, sometimes life makes you grow up fast. Aside form that, I loved him. He voice, his way of thinking and most of all I love how hes in constance conflict with his head and his heart. His a practical person, and the heart being what it is, annoys the shit out of him. If I would have to change something, I would have to say that, he needs to be more assistive. Despite his love for mysteries, he isn't a doer but a watcher. Which, common, isn't a quality for detective work.

Virginia, she was something else. To me she felt like two different people. In her head she was rational, insightful and pretty timed. But when speaking to others she was blunt, harsh, and down right awesome. She wasn't scared to say how it was, and what I loved the most, she speaks somewhat like how I do. She points out the simple things, answers in a simple yet harsh and weaves between the lines. There was a scene where she conversing in notes, it went like this:

"Invite me next time" (implying that she wanted to drink with the guy she liked, and didn't know he was there) in reply Virginia said "I did invite you".

"I thought you went with Benny"

"I did go with Benny"

"Then why did you come home with Gottfried?

"Because home is the dorm where we both live obviously. Where did you expect us to go?"

Virginia is sassy and downright cool as hell in my books. Though she did lose some cools points towards the end, I can't say way because that's a major spoiler, lets just say she needs a lesson on stranger danger.

In all, I highly recommend this book. It's a fast fun read that will have you guessing until the very end. In truth I didn't have it all figured out until the very last drop was given. Take a change on this one, it isn't like you normal YA mystery, this one is something special and is worth your time.

Happy Reading

E.A. Walsh

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