Cover Reveal: Soar by Sloane Murphy

Book: Soar (Immortal Chronicles #3)
Author: Sloane Murphy
Genre: YA - Paranormal Romance
Release Day - 7th March #theimmortalchronicles

There is only so much one person can endure before they break. There was nothing I ever wanted less than to be Princess at the Royal Court. After devastation rocked my whole world, the return of my mother doesn't seem like the dream it was supposed to be. I know how to be a warrior. I have no idea how to be a princess... With her whole world turned upside down, and her heart still broken, who will Addie be at the end of it all? Hearts can break, faith can plummet, but souls can Soar.

Hi everyone! I'm Sloane *waves*. I'm 27, a total book nerd with a penchant for travel and I probably use the words Dude & Awesomesauce far too often in real life.! I write mainly Paranormal Romance NA & YA, but I'll be branching out into other Romance genres too. I was born and raised in Peterborough, England along with 2 sisters, 2 brothers and a plethora of cousins, I come from a REALLY big family! I'm one of the clumsiest people you'll ever meet, but I try to stay on my feet *haha*. I still live here with Mr M & our fur baby Arya. Please don't be afraid to come and say hi! I don't bite I swear :)
               ♡☆(¸.•´Limited Edition Cover

Only Available Direct from the Author 

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