by Beverly Ovalle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Willow's Cry by Beverly Ovalle is that feel good read that no matter what mood you're in when starting, you can't help feeling all gushy and happy at the end.
My first book by Beverly Ovalle, I went into this stand-a-long with a open mind. Right away I was drew into this story and couldn't help feel for Alex and his urge to save is family's land. I'm not going to get into anymore then that, story wise, because this is a tease of a short, at only 109 pages, a simple misplaced word will ruin this unique read.
Instead lets talk about Alex, I liked him right off the bat, kind, strong and not a over barring alpha. Alex is that dream guy we all want (Fiction has ruined me). The only thing I could say is flawed about him, was when he was trying to save an important person, his mind kept going to the dity when looking at Willow. Listen I'm all for some good smut, but for being a dire situation where someone could.. lets say DIE.. it was not the time or place.
Willow, she is well, I think the best way to describe her.. the picture perfect vision of a dainty woman. Not don't get me wrong she was strong in her own right, I wasn't to found of all the crying she did at the start, but you'll get why when you read this story(and you will, cause it's a great story). There was this annoying innocents to her, that well, I don't know, something about her overall character bothered me. Things moves fast between her and Alex, and well. I think that has something to do with it as well.
The other thing that bother me, was how fast it ended.(I wanted more.. more) This book could have easily been a full leant novel, the foundation and bones where these, and I think half of my problems with it would have been fixed if this was a little longer, even by 50 pages. But I know writing short stories is harder then writing full length. What I'm really saying.. I want it to be full length, cause I want more! Or make this a series or some kind... just saying.
With that said, take my high recommendation that you will fall for this sweet, original otherworldly read. As I said, it's that feel good book that will brighten your day.
Happy Reading
-E.A. Walsh
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