Tour Stop: Down to Oath by Tyrolin Puxty - Interview - Review - Giveaway!

Down To Oath
By: Tyrolin Puxty
Pages: 116 pages
Published: April 3rd 2018 by Curiosity Quills Press ISBN13: 9781948099998
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You have to find yourself before you can leave.

Codi lives in the exceptionally drab town of Oath; a settlement without colour, children or personality. 

When a child manifests in the library and introduces Codi to parallel towns that contain aggressive, manic versions of herself, she must decide between saving Oath...and saving herself.

After all, how much can you truly trust yourself?

Let’s start with, how are you this fine day?  I’m old, today! Due to my sloth-like Easter weekend, I’m
having trouble getting back into the swing of work, so have been doing Pilates in the sun and resenting
the copious amount of chocolate consumed!

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? That’s a good question. Similar to the
way green ants flock towards me, the ideas just…come.

When did you write your first book and how old were you? Ha, well my first book I thought I wrote
was at the age of five! About a bird and his friends meeting Furbies. There was a lot of plagiarism at the
time. I wrote my first 70k novel (that shall never see the light of day) when I was 13, and my first book
to be traditionally published was written at 22.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? Sing, dance, act, play video games, watch TV,
learn an instrument and socialize online!

What does your family think of your writing? They’re super supportive and very proud, which is

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? I just learned to
write better, and if you don’t use it, you lose it. I haven’t written in about six months and you can tell
I’m rusty!

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Published? 7. Written? Like, 20!

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? I do, but I’d love hearing
from them more! The consensus is they love my imagination.

Have you even been sent fan art? YES! And I want more! It inspires me to write and I just love it!

What do you think makes a good story? The characters. A story is nothing unless you like the people

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? This

What is that one weird quirk about yourself, that no one else knows? I have that condition where I
can’t look at holes, and I hate the feeling of jeans.

If you had your time back what would you tell yourself about writing? You never stop learning,
so never stop creating.

Last but not least,

What advice would you give aspiring writers? There’s a lot of negativity, laziness and road stops
out there. Don’t get bogged down by rejection letters. Only the strongest of us can move through them.
Don’t think your work is entitled – sometimes it has to change or go through a rewrite. And of course,
don’t give up.

Thank you for answers my questions

Thank YOU gorgeous! ☺ xox

(I received this book free in exchange for my honest review)
My Rating: 5 stars
My Recommendation: High

What an beautiful, rich, fun read. Coming in at 116 pages, it a fast read but stuffed with detailed word building, a steady engaging plot and a story that will leave you breathless. 

Since this is a rather short story, I'm not going to give you anything on the over all story, it will ruin it. Everything is interconnected and one small detail will ruin the experience for you. 

I will tell you that the writing is easy to read, it's clean and as I said fun. This is a perfect book for all ages, and a perfect family read. I loved the light heart tone, and the child likeness to it. It gives you those good feels, and keeps your eyes glued to the pages. 

I highly recommend you get your hands on this unique read. It's a special read that deserves to get otu in the world and talked about. 

Happy Reading. 

SIGNED paperback of award-winning author’s Down to Oath

A Jack, or more accurately, a Tyrolin of all trades. Broken Dolls, the first in the trilogy, is an international #1 bestseller and appeared on Buzzfeed’s Top 24 Best SciFi/Fantasy Books of 2015. 

Tyrolin has been in the Top 25 of the Australian Songwriters Association and Top 5 of the Australian Independent Music Awards, was awarded an Australia Day Award for Music in 2014 and 2017, and for Arts in 2015.

 She owns a performing arts school, teaches creative writing and co-hosts a podcast called HooPod, which is part of Felicia Day’s Hooman community. 

Despite this, chocolate, cats and copious amounts of TV marathons take up the majority of Tyrolin’s time.

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