BOOK SPOTLIGHT TOUR: Poppy (The Montgomery Sisters, Book 2) by Kat Flannery - Interview - Giveaway!

​Will she choose the solitude she’s always known, or Noah’s sweet embrace?
Book Title:  Poppy (The Montgomery Sisters, Book 2) by Kat Flannery
Category:  Adult Fiction,  170 pages
Genre:   Historical western romance
Publisher: Picco Press
Release date:  May 18, 2018
Tour dates: May 28 to June 15, 2018
Content Rating: PG
Poppy by Kat Flannery

Poppy Montgomery has always been good with a gun and could fight her way out of anything. Tough as nails and a sharp shooter, her beauty deceives the outlaws she’s after.

Hot on the trail of the Clemmons gang, a group of outlaws who rob trains and killed an innocent woman and child a few months before, she is determined to make them pay for the sin’s they’ve committed by bringing them to justice.

Pinkerton, Noah Shaw is investigating a ring of stage robberies and knows the Clemmons gang is behind them. Told to track down the infamous redheaded bounty hunter, Noah gets more than he bargained for when he arrests Poppy for assault.

Handcuffed together the pair must work together to stop the robberies, and figure out who is behind them. But what happens when love interferes and thrusts Poppy into discovering emotions she never knew existed? Will she choose the solitude she’s always known, or Noah’s sweet embrace?
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Let’s start with, how are you this find day?
I am well, thank you for asking.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I think they come from a lot of places. Inspiration can strike at any moment, but for me I love to listen to music and imagine the story being told. Situations others or myself have had will also inspire a story. I research for every book I write.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first book, Chasing Clovers in 2009. I was 32.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Spend time with family of course, but when they are at school or work, I do a lot of my own marketing, researching, Freelance, and I work part time in an office, to get out of the house.

What does your family think of your writing?
They are very supportive, but don’t always understand the demands of being an author. There are late nights, hours in front of a computer, and on a deadline little sleep a lot of Kraft Dinner and coffee always on.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
How I was able to build a world even I would want to live in.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have written seven books. I love them all, but my favorite is Sacred Legacy, book 3 in The Branded Trilogy.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I do! I love hearing from my readers. The emails I receive are when is the next book out? And my favorites…I loved this book!

Have you even been sent fan art?
No, but that would be cool. I treasure my readers, and encourage them to email me.

What do you think makes a good story?
Characters make a good story. If you have boring, one-sided characters there is nothing that draws you in. A character needs to be as real as you can write them.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
A writer, of course. ☺

What is that one weird quirk about yourself, that no one else knows?
Hmmm…I am a clean freak. I can’t write, or concentrate on anything until my house is clean and the laundry is done.

If you had your time back what would you tell yourself about writing?
You’re never going to be a millionaire.

Last but not least,

What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Don’t give up. Persevere. Take constructive criticism, learn from it…and continue writing. Learn all you can about the industry, and always stay humble.  

Thank you for answers my questions
Thank you for having me on your blog! I wish you all a wonderful day!

Kat Flannery
Kat Flannery’s love of history shows in her novels. She is an avid reader of historical, suspense, paranormal, and romance. She has her Certificate in Freelance and Business Writing.
A member of many writing groups, Kat enjoys promoting other authors on her blog. Kat enjoys teaching writing classes and giving back to other aspiring authors. She volunteers her time at the local library facilitating their writing group. She’s been published in numerous periodicals throughout her career
Her debut novel CHASING CLOVERS has been an Amazon Top 100 Paid bestseller. LAKOTA HONOR and BLOOD CURSE (Branded Trilogy) are Kat’s two award-winning novels and HAZARDOUS UNIONS is Kat’s first novella. Kat is currently hard at work on her next series, THE MONTGOMERY SISTERS.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook 


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Enter the Giveaway!
Ends June 23, 2018

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