Tour Stop: Areion by Lela Grayce - Review - Excerpt - Giveaway!

Courage Cannot Exist Without Fear


Lunar Medallion Series Book 1

By: Lela Grayce

Twins raised far from the darkness are the key to Gaai's salvation.

Turning eighteen is the highlight of every teenager's life. Or at least it is for Wendy and her twin sister DeeDee. When their adoptive parents gift them with medallions belonging to their late mother, they have no idea their lives are about to change.

Their happy day takes a deadly turn when Wendy is lured into the forest surrounding their home by a deceitful voice. Saved by an alluring, green-eyed stranger, questions are brought to light that she may not want the answers to.

The girls are descendants of Gaai, a land of ancient magic. Once peaceful and thriving, is now enslaved by a powerful enemy. Though Wendy and DeeDee were sent to Earth to be raised far from the darkness that shrouds their home world, they must now return to unite their people.

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(I received this book free in exchange for my honest review)
My Rating: 5 stars
My Recommendation: High

I seem to be having a great time this year with books. One after another I am finding unique gems that capture my attention for hours. This book not only did that, but ripped out my heart while doing so. Sometimes I think authors just sit back and think, what a wonderful, sweet ending...-sips coffee, while stroking fluffy cat, eyes light up with joy-... MUST DESTORY IT....

I think that sums that up

One ward, just let me pick up my broken feels.

Okay, lets get down to sometimes that I wasn't to found of, the pacing at the start was a little slow, normally for these types of books I like the in your face, approach. Now it wasn't bad writing, it was witty and fun, it just felt like it took a bit to long to get to the really good stuff.

Love interest..... I'm more of a, let-it-grow, type of girl. Now there are times I like a good insta-love, more so in adult fiction, I just fine it takes away from the over all plot when they are done in YA. Again not saying it was all bad. It did fell forced, or unnatural. Just a little to rushed for my person taste.

Now onto the things I loved... which was everything else. The story, the magical world building, the sinister undertones, the witty banter, and most of all I loved the two MC's. They do a POV switch, and damn, getting everything from a different POV right when least expected, drove this story over the edge and made this into one of the best books I've read this year.
I highly recommend you gets you hand on the on-of-a-kind books,

Happy Reading

We trek back to the house, discussing what one should bring to another world.
“Tampons,” DeeDee responds without hesitation.
Layne and Ryker both stop dead in their tracks and give DeeDee identical bewildered looks. They hate when we get all girly and talk natural bodily functions with them. Men.
“Tampons?” Ryker asks with wide eyes.
“Yes, tampons,” DeeDee agrees.
“Tampons?” Layne queries next.
“Is there an echo? Why are you two repeating the same word over and over?” she asks.
“I think you broke them,” I say seriously, squinting up into Layne’s face since he’s carrying me.
“I thought we housebroke them years ago,” DeeDee remarks, shaking her head and continuing to walk.

Lela Grayce lives in rural Wyoming in a small college town. She works for a non-profit organization and loves what she does for the company. She is married to her best friend and hero. By day she is a working mom and wife but by night she is lost in dreams, moonlight, and delusions that she is, in fact, Batman.

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